Education Services » Educational Services

Educational Services

Educational Services department focuses on:
  • Supporting the selection and implementation of State Aligned Curriculum (including but not limited to Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards)
  • Supporting the development and implementation of best teaching practices to help all of our students learn and succeed
  • Supporting CTE pathway development and implementation
  • Developing and facilitating plans for Professional development for Certificated and Classified Staff
  • State reporting for categorical programs and development of categorical program plans
  • Planning and implementation of all state mandated testing and local benchmarks
  • Supporting Teacher Induction
  • Development and implementation of the English Learner Master Plan and support of all English Language Development programs
  • Facilitating LCAP development and reflections
  • Supporting Independent Study programming

Educational Services State Plans:

Education Services Contacts

Rachel Paarsch
Director of Educational Programs
Lesli Baeza
ELD Coordinator
Juana Ruiz
Spanish Translator/Interpreter